Hi folks,
I have two tables and am trying to automatically link them with a script.
In this example people apply via an airtable form with a text based “parter code” field. There is a partners table where each partner has a multiple select field that contains all of their partner codes.
Table 1: Applicants
Field: Partner Code (text)
Field: Referring Partner (linked field)
Table 2: Partners
Field: Partner Codes (multiple select)
Field: Applicants using Partner Code (linked field)
Here is what I have so far, based on modifying the scripts of others:
//Define the Partners table and query
let partnersTbl = base.getTable("Partners");
let partnersQuery = await partnersTbl.selectRecordsAsync();
//Define Applicants table and query
let applicantsTbl = base.getTable("Applicants");
let applicantsQuery = await applicantsTbl.selectRecordsAsync();
//Loop through the records and find the Partner Code
for (let record of partnersQuery.records) {
let partnercode = record.getCellValue("Partner Code");
//Loop through linked table and match Partner Code values
for (let applicantRecord of applicantQuery.records) {
if (applicantRecord.getCellValue("Partner Code") === partnercode) {
//Update field
partnersTbl.updateRecordAsync(record, {
'Applicants using Partner Code': e{id: applicantRecord.id}]
Also, does this script try and match the entire table every time the script is fired?
Right now this script is timing out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.