Hello - full disclosure, I've only just started to get into scripting in Airtable, so bare with me as I'm still learning!
My actual goal with this script is actually quite complex, I'm probably only about half way through. But instead of trying to summarize the entire thing, I'm just going to hone in on where I'm stuck specifically... which is how to properly utilize the Filter function with arrays.
So I have a button trigger in a table "TV Finishing" that I want to execute a script. The script copies a name and an alphanumeric code (ISCI code) from the record, and pastes it as a new record in the table "AutoHelper". This I have working just fine.
But then I want the script to count how many existing records in "AutoHelper" already have the same ISCI Code, and to paste the number (plus 1) into a number field of the newly created record... and this is where I'm stuck.
I've added my existing script below with the error code I'm getting when I try to use query.records.filter. I've tried to emulate my script off of others I found from the community here, unfortunately I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong exactly.
Really appreciate any help or insight anyone can share!
// Establishing tables and views
let table = base.getTable("TV Finishing");
let table2 = base.getTable("AutoHelper")
let view = table2.getView("ISCI Gen")
// This script is run from a button field and will use the button's record.
let record = await input.recordAsync('Select a record to use', table);
if (record) {
// Establishing vales to copy from table to table2
let slate = record.getCellValueAsString("SLATE TITLE");
let isci1 = record.getCellValueAsString("ISCI Code Form1");
// These should be commented out after the script is working properly
output.text(`The Slate Title copied is: ${slate}`);
output.text(`The ISCI code copied is: ${isci1}`);
// Assign query to the array of existing values in "Coped ISCI Code Form1"
// Filter the array to only the records that match the ISCI code of the new record
// Assign recordCount to the length of the filtered array, plus 1
let query = await view.selectRecordsAsync({fields: ["Copied ISCI Code Form1"]});
let queryMatch = query.records.filter(record => (record.getCellValueAsString("Copied ISCI Code Form1") == isci1));
let recordCount = Number(queryMatch.records.length)+1;
// This should be commented out after the script is working properly
output.text(`The number of records with matching ISCI is: ${recordCount}`);
await table.updateRecordAsync(record,{"Button Test": isci1});
// Create a new record in table2 with the slate and ISCI code copied from table, and the number of existing records with the same ISCI
let recordID = await table2.createRecordAsync({
"Name": slate,
"Copied ISCI Code Form1": isci1,
"Unique Increment": recordCount
} else {
output.text('No record was selected');
at main on line 24