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I am attempting to build an automation that will help assign a student to the specified time slot.
I have 2 tables, 1 of which is for trial arrangement, and another for enrolled students.
Both these tables have the following fields:
Day, Timeslot, Coach, Location.

I have another table for the available slots.
There are 6 records with the exact same Day, Timeslot, Coach, Location. (each timeslot can have up to 6 students (regardless of trial or enrolled))

When a child is about to enroll for example, a button will be pressed, triggering a webhook to integromat/, which will get information of the record.

How can I make integromat/ find this slot if it is available, to assign the student to?
I've tried doing a search, but it seems my formula might be incorrect, as it returns with a 0 bundle


This sounds like more of a Make question. @ScottWorld probably knows 🙂

Thanks for tagging me, @Stephen_Orr1, as the resident expert!  😀

I’m on my iPhone right now, so I will type a more detailed response when I’m back on my laptop tomorrow afternoon… I want to include screenshots and a more detailed explanation.

But in general, the key problem that I can see at first glance is that you’re sending 2 arrays to Airtable instead of strings of text. You can tell because of the empty brackets that appear in your Make screenshot. Create formulas in Airtable that turns the arrays (i.e. lookup fields or rollup fields) into strings of text, and use those fields instead. You can turn arrays into strings of text in Airtable with this formula:

{Field} & ""

Thanks for tagging me, @Stephen_Orr1, as the resident expert!  😀

I’m on my iPhone right now, so I will type a more detailed response when I’m back on my laptop tomorrow afternoon… I want to include screenshots and a more detailed explanation.

But in general, the key problem that I can see at first glance is that you’re sending 2 arrays to Airtable instead of strings of text. You can tell because of the empty brackets that appear in your Make screenshot. Create formulas in Airtable that turns the arrays (i.e. lookup fields or rollup fields) into strings of text, and use those fields instead. You can turn arrays into strings of text in Airtable with this formula:

{Field} & ""

I went about it in a roundabout manner, I created a formula field that concatenated the requirements in the enrolled students tab and the trial students' tab, created a similar one in the timetable, and used that to search instead. it's sort of resolved now, thank you!
