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Hi everyone!

There’s a seemingly basic problem that’s driving me crazy: I have an automation that triggers a script to create a few records. When creating these records, I need to set the value of a single-select field. It works well when I assign a basic string to the variable, but fails when I use getCellValueAsString ! Anything I’m missing? (console.log on the result of getCellValueAsString shows the correct result and typeOf on the variable shows indeed “string”)

let tableMapOuvrages = base.getTable("Map ouvrages");

let tableTaches = base.getTable("Taches");

let inputConfig = input.config(); //get the variables from previous steps

let mapOuvrages = await tableMapOuvrages.selectRecordsAsync({

fields: "Ouvrage","Groupe ouvrage"]


for (let itemInMap of mapOuvrages.records) {

let basicString = "Livraison menuiseries";

let stringOuvrage = itemInMap.getCellValueAsString("Ouvrage");

console.log(stringOuvrage ); // this shows "Livraison menuiseries"

console.log(stringOuvrage ); // this shows "string"

// the "temp" field below is a single-select

let tache = await tableTaches.createRecordAsync({

"temp": {name: basicString } // This version works

// "temp": {name: stringOuvrage } // this version doesn't work !



Welcome to the Airtable community!

What error messages do you get when it does not work? Can you share a screen shot?

Could one of the single select choices have a hidden trailing space or other hard-to-see difference?

What happens if you add these lines …

console.log(stringOuvrage );

console.log(basicString );

if (basicString === stringOuvrage) {

console.log(`${stringOuvrage} and ${basicString} match`)

} else {

console.log(`${stringOuvrage} and ${basicString} do NOT match`)


The script you posted doesn’t match you description of what is happening. The script you posted is missing the type of.
