Hey all!
I am trying to set up an automation that will update multiple records using a script. From reading around the forum, I think I’m definitely almost there but need help crossing the finish line. Here’s the breakdown:
I have two two tables: one has pieces written by authors, while the other has feedback notes for those pieces. They have a one-to-many relationship: via linked record, several notes can be associated with one story.
Each time a new note comes in via submission form, it receives a number via automation. So the first note submitted for a piece has its note # set to “1”, the second to “2”, etc. This is a number field, not multiple select, single select, etc.
I’d like to set up another automation that renumbers notes whenever one is flagged for content. So, say that record A has 8 notes linked to it. Note #6 has inappropriate content, so I don’t want it to count towards the tally. I have two of three parts set up. When a note is flagged, it prompts the automation to change that note’s value to blank. Then, the automation pulls a list of notes from the same parent record whose #s are greater than the note # for the trigger record. In this example, that would be the notes for record A that have the #s 7 and 8.
Now, I want to plug those two note record IDs into a script and update their numbers to 6 and 7. I read this very helpful article about setting up a script that plugs in records from a previous step in the automation, but didn’t have the clout to morph that script into updating numerical cell values. Can anyone help?