I have been struggling with this for a while here.
FYI beginner coder here
I have 3 single select fields (Curtain Status, Rail Status, Vert Status). All three of these options have the following selections: “Adjustment”, “Waiting Install”," Adjustment", “On Hold”, “Canceled”, “Finished”
There are three checkboxes for each of the single select fields: REDO - C, REDO - R, REDO - V"
The end goal of this script is that when
- REDO-C or REDO -R, or - REDO V is checked.
- the check boxes are automatically unchecked
if Curtain Status or Rail Status or Vert Status is sBlank, “Adjustment”, “Waiting Install”, “Adjustment”, “On Hold”, “Canceled”, “Finished”]:
then Curtain Status, Rail Status, Vert Status will be left un changed.- if Curtain Status, Rail Status, Vert Status is anything else: Their value will be set to “Pending”
I got most it all to work except when the single field is blank. I’m getting a :TypeError: Cannot read property ‘name’ of null at main on line.
This error is generated when, for example, statusc’s getCellvalue is set to read .name and the single select is blank.
I was first able to get around this by including null in my if statement:
if (redoc == true && statusc !== null )
However, when testing the array “state” against “statusc” I need to include the .names property in order for it to work:
if (state.indexOf(statusc.name) !== -1) {
console.log("Leave Current Status");
I cant figure out how to get this to work without getting the null-error.
FYI: I still need to input the “state” variable in the if statement below, havent gotten there yet since im stuck
Some help on this would be greatly appreciated!
thanks in advance.
let worktable = base.getTable("Work Orders")
let worktablerecords = await worktable.selectRecordsAsync();
var check = input.config();
//List of checkboxes
let redoc = worktablerecords.getRecord(check.recordId).getCellValue("REDO - C");
let redor = worktablerecords.getRecord(check.recordId).getCellValue("REDO - R");
let redov = worktablerecords.getRecord(check.recordId).getCellValue("REDO - V");
//List of Status
let statusc = worktablerecords.getRecord(check.recordId).getCellValue("Curtain Status");
let statusr = worktablerecords.getRecord(check.recordId).getCellValue("Rail Status");
let statusv = worktablerecords.getRecord(check.recordId).getCellValue("Vert Status");
//IF the variable state is any value in this array, then "Curtain Status" will remain unchanged
var state = t"Adjustment","Waiting Install","Adjustment","On Hold","Canceled","Finished",null];
if (state.indexOf(statusc.name) !== -1) {
console.log("Leave Current Status");
if (statusc == state) {
} else {
if (redoc == true && statusc !== null ) {
await worktable.updateRecordAsync(check.recordId, {
"REDO - C": false,
await worktable.updateRecordAsync(check.recordId, {
"Curtain Status": {name: "Pending"}
} else if (redoc == true && statusc == null ){
await worktable.updateRecordAsync(check.recordId, {
"REDO - C": false,
} else {};
// if (redor == true && statusr !==null ) {
// await worktable.updateRecordAsync(check.recordId, {
// "REDO - R": false,
// });
// await worktable.updateRecordAsync(check.recordId, {
// "Rail Status": {name: "Pending"}
// });
// } else if (redor == true && statusr == null ){
// await worktable.updateRecordAsync(check.recordId, {
// "REDO - R": false,
// })
// } else {};
// if (redov == true && statusv !== null ) {
// await worktable.updateRecordAsync(check.recordId, {
// "REDO - V": false,
// });
// await worktable.updateRecordAsync(check.recordId, {
// "Vert Status": {name: "Pending"}
// });
// } else if (redov == true && statusv == null ){
// await worktable.updateRecordAsync(check.recordId, {
// "REDO - V": false,
// })
// } else {};