I have two tables, one is Parts and the other is Updates.
For every Part, there are 1 or more updates linked to that part.
The updates have a “Type” field, and can be one of several types of updates. For this, I am concerned with “Test” and “Test Request” .
Basically, someone can add a record that is a Test Request. This causes the update record to show up in a queue so that our operators know to test the part.
When the part is tested, I use the API to add a Test update to the same table.
But when this happens, I want to check off a field in the original Test Request Record, “Fulfilled”. I don’t need to link the two records at the moment.
But the question is, how do I find the id of the Test Request Record when the Test comes in?
(When a new update is made and it’s of Type=Test, I want to check off all the Test Requests for that same part)