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If a record created in Openings Tracker (table A) is created, then I want to add that record to the linked record field in Summary Tracker based on the fields Opening Distinction and Req Status. The linked record field is pulling the openings record from Table A based on manual addition right now. 

If the record is created in Openings Tracker, I want it to automatically add to the total number of openings for that Opening Type in the Summary Tracker (table 😎.

Try creating an automation that'll trigger when a record is created in Table A.  Use conditional logic to determine the path you want, and then use a "Find Record" action to find the record you want to update in Table B, then link them together

It's a bit vague, I know, sorry.  Give it a shot and let me know if you hit any issues and I'll see what I can do.  I'd need to know the exact parameters of what record needs to be linked etc, as well as screenshots of both tables and the relevant fields
