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This is my first post so please bear with me. I have a base that I am using to track content and for project management of a newsletter. Table 1 Newsletter shows the newsletter project and has fields for Month, Year, Content (which is a linked record field), Content Attachment, and a checkbox for completed. Table 2 is where I am tracking content based on 8 common sections, month, year, content attachment, point person, notes, and content created checkbox. 


I have an automation set up that when Content Created in Table 2 Content is checked it updates the Table 1 Content multilinked records. When I update more than one Content Created in Table 2 Content it only overwrites the other content in Table 1 Newsletter instead of just adding the subsequent linked record. Once all 8 Content Areas are in that field, an email is triggered to several people saying all the content is complete and is ready to go in the template for the newsletter. 

Is there a way to have the automation update the Content Created in Table 1 field that is multi-linked records instead of overwriting it with the new information? I assume this has to be coded but am not sure where to even start as I am not a coder by trade. 

I figured out that I could just use a junction table to complete this. 
