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Hello there. I've hit a brick wall with an automation I'm trying to build. I was hoping to use an interface button to identify all records in a table with an unchecked box within a particular field and then check all of those boxes. 

I have created an automation where the trigger will be the button, and have then added the "Find Records" action where the condition is all records with an unchecked box. That part runs fine in testing. 

It all falls apart when I try to update records using the list of Airtable record IDs generated by the previous step and then ask the automation to check the relevant field box of all matching records. 

Can anyone assist please?


Hey @commencalmatt

To do this, you'll want to leverage the new Repeating group automation feature.
To walk you through it, I created a few records and added a checkbox field that will fill in for what you're trying to do.

I mimicked your Find records action and simply queried for all records that returned a false Add KPI checkbox value.

Next, I'll configure the Repeating group portion of the automation:

From there, configure the Update record action like you normally would.
Here's the final, expected result:

Something important to note about this solution is that it is still subject to the 100 record limit that is imposed on the Find records action. If you're running this frequently enough to where there won't be more than 100 records at a given time that might be subject to satisfying the conditional action, then you should be safe.
If you expect that you'll be updating more than 100 records at a time, then you'll need a scripting-based solution to get you passed that hurdle.
The alternative is to lean on middleware such as Make or Zapier to help you out.
If you do need a scripting solution, I don't mind writing you one if you need it.

Thanks so much for that Ben. I think it's working! 
