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When vehicle is selected within the contract, add trigger to change vehicle status from Available to Hired?

Selection of vehicle is linked column.

Also status column of contract tab should be Active Rental. How to Do that in Airtable Automation or


When Contract is moved from Active Rental to Returned, can a trigger be added to change vehicle status from Hired to Available?

Yes, in Airtable automations you’re able to change a single select field depending on whatever trigger.

Yes, in Airtable automations you’re able to change a single select field depending on whatever trigger.

But there is no option for scenario like from one status to another. It also possible to have multiple value for single select field. I just want for available to hired, meaning for certain update if value of single select is available, it will change to hired and vice-versa.

Hi Mohsin. This is how I would do it. I hope that I inferred your table(s) setup correctly (Contracts table and Vehicles table with their own statuses). The first pic is the trigger (can be made more failproof by checking for other field values too). The second and third are the update record actions. The second uses the record id from the linked field (to Vehicles) in the Contracts table to update the Vehicle Status. The third pic shows updating the Contract Status. The fourth shows the overall automation. Make sense? Hopefully it gives you an idea how to do the “return vehicle” workflow.
