I run an acting school- and have a google drive folder full of about 1500 scripts.
I’ve created an index of those files with links to them (in a google extension), then imported that list into airtable.
We then went through and painstakingly added searchable info and a clickable button for each entry.
So now we have a sharable view that students can search by age, gender, genre, etc. But we continually have new scripts coming in…and I’d love to skip the step of manually indexing the new scripts and pasting that into the airtable.
Using a form is too tedious for each individual script we get in (cause it’s a lot)
Is there a way to connect an airtable to Google Drive so that it automatically dynamically INDEXES a google drive folder (with LINKS to each individual file). That way when we get new script we could just drop them in the google folder (and add searchable data down the road into the proper airtable row)
OR- is there an easy way to batch import FILES into an airtable (so that each file goes on it’s own row?). this would probably be the best option - but I can only see how to import multiple files into ONE field)
Honestly, it would be great to just house all the files in airtable instead of google drive if I could figure out how to give each their own row.