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I have 2 tables:

  • Customers

  • Workouts

When I create a new workout I want to auto-link it to every customer in the customers table. Is there a way to do this?

I found a ‘hack’ of sorts on the forum - grouping workouts by linked customers and then adding rows from below the group that contains all customers. But the problem with this is that I need it to automatically include any additional customers when they get added to the customer table.

Any suggestions?

Here’s an idea:

Create three tables:




Linker has two fields:

LinkName (Single Line Text)

Workouts (Link to the workouts table. Allow linking to multiple)

This table gets one record only. Name it “LINKALL”. Every time you add a new workout, add it to this record:

In Customers, add two new fields:

Linker (Link to the Linker table)

All Workouts (Lookup field: Look up the workouts from Linker)

Each customer’s Linker Field should be linked to that one record in Linker. It will then pull in all of the workouts.
