Main behavior (see screen capture for reference):
1.user download a new record under “Film purchases” tab which includes a country name.
2.the country name is not properly spelled as in the masterdata list (i.e: official list of countries that is used to harmonize data management)
3.if a new record is uploaded with the wrong country spelling, it creates junk data in the masterdata list and therefore requires a constant manual clean-up
- we don’t want to limit field permission
- we want to bring users attention to specific look-up columns so they can validate/quality control the data once a new record is uploaded
- is there an automated way to help bring users’ attention to these specific columns ?
I thought about a pop-window that specifies as follows “the country information has not been uploaded properly, please verify data with corresponding masterdata list” but I understand airtable can not provide this tool. anything else ?
thank you
As an example:
Pict. 1: you see that the column “country of origin” is a look-up to a masterdata list stored in a separated tab named “Country”, in the same table (see pict. 2 for reference)
Pict. 2: you see the “country” tab which is one of the masterdata lists that filled several other tabs such as “film purchase” (as in pict. 1)