I'm testing airtable and I want to make a database with all my trial cases. These are cases that we must check with some regularity, the idea is that each case generates a record and that once the record is created, it will be assigned to a role of periodic reviews, meaning, each case must be check by my staff every 3 months to update de info of each case an check the task or actions that we need to take with every case. So My desire is to create some kind of automation to generate monthly an e- mail to me an my assistant to check those cases that reach the 3 month period and need to be checked for updates. Also, I already have a lot of existing cases, and my goal is to divide those cases in groups to not overwhelm my assistant with all the cases needing a review at the same time, but I don’t know how to do that.
Hope someone can help me, and sorry if my English is not good, is not my native language