To those experienced users out there.
I am a new user of Airtable.
I am planning to use Airtable to track Quality.
In this case, I have (A lot) of bases.
- Database of products
- Sales Order Input. Refer to Database of products for one field
- Base for Production Planning. Refer to Multiple fields on Sales Order Input
- Base for Shipping Planning. Refer to Multiple fields on Sales Order Input
- Base for Phase 1 Production Tracking
- Base for 1st Quality Inspection.
- Base for Repair Tracking (on 1st Quality Inspection)
- Base for Phase 2 Production Tracking
- Base for 2nd Quality Inspection
- Base for Repair Tracking (on 2nd Quality Inspection)
- Base for Shipping Quality Inspection
- Base for # orders, production, and shipping.
There’s also another base to aggregate all the NCR on all those bases, and some others … but I will skip those for now.
My question is this.
- Is this common in Airtable? Having a lot of shared bases, I mean.
- Some of my items can be done either by linked table or by automation (when records created). For example, when I make record in BASE 1, record should appear in BASE 4 and BASE 12 as well.
Is the best practice is to make ONE full database and linked? - My BASE 4 to 8 is actually pretty linked. The records refer to similar field. Is the best practice is to make one big Base as Database and Populate from there using automation, or making a sync table for each?
Thanks and regards.