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I'm building a process for Employee Onboarding. Here's what I'm dreaming of (and have started building):

1) Recruiter gets the signed offer letter and needs to do some things (their name, phone number, role, who they report to). They enter this in a form.

2) That form puts those details into the base and kicks off some next steps. 

-I'd like the new hire to get a form to enter some things like their birthdate, bio, etc. Kind of some "get to know you" things. These don't go any futher, just get put in the database so People Ops can do team building things with it.

-The manager gets an alert and fills in new information (what equipment will they need? gets them log-ins to team-specific software)

-At the same time, HR works on things like getting them enrolled in benefits and payroll.


So, some things can be happening in parallel. Some need to follow a certain order. I could do a List (and people check off items as they do them, so we can see what's left to happen) or I like the idea of a Kanban (and once they do a task, they drag it over to the next person to handle). 

How would you build this?

Seperating them out with one record as one task would allow you to use the Timeline feature so if you want to see estimates of when stuff will be done that could be the deciding factor for you? 

Keying in data specific to said task would be cleaner as well, as each record would contain that task's data instead of having one record with lots of fields.  This one's pretty subjective though
