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I'm trying to compare "name" field between two different tables and trying to fetch records that matches both.
Table 1 - Name, Table 2 - Legal name

What's the best method to achieve this? (New to Airtable)

1. Create a formula field and make it the primary field for 'Table 1', and give it a formula of "Name"
2. In 'Table 2', create a linked field to 'Table 1'
3. In 'Table 2', in a view where all records are visible, click the header of the 'Legal name' field
- This should select the entire column
5. In 'Table 2', in a view where all records are visible, click the header of the linked field from step 2

This will create a one to one link between the two tables for all the records where "Legal Name" match "Name" only

Table 1:

Table 2:

The linking process:

Link to base

Thank you @TheTimeSavingCo ! it worked! 
I would also like to know how the table comparison can be done through Automation/scripting.

Thank you @TheTimeSavingCo ! it worked! 
I would also like to know how the table comparison can be done through Automation/scripting.

Hmm with an automation you could try having an automation that'll run per record in "Table 2" with a "Find record" step to look for a record in "Table 1" with the same Name value as the Legal Name, and have a conditional to update the records it manages to find.  This'll burn through your automations really quickly though

Scripting gets a bit more involved and I'd recommend reading up on the documentation, fairly straightforward if you're familiar with JavaScript

If you're looking to hire someone to do it I'd be happy to help too!
