Hi All! My team uses a base for scheduling trainings, including course code, instructor, and staff assignment. In our scheduling table, we have 1 record for each class, grouped by week.
However, for classes that span more that 1 week, our team likes to have another record displayed for the following week(s). Ex: Course ABC is running over 2 weeks, we create 2 records, one for each week that the course spans. (I’m sure this isn’t best practice, but our team likes to have stand-ups to review the upcoming week, including any courses that are continuing from the week prior.) Problem is that we keep a lot of data tied to each course (enrollment, financials, etc.) that currently needs to be manually copied into the 2nd or 3rd week of any multi-week class.
Any ideas/thoughts on how to automatically create another record for week 2/3 of a class, ideally with the ability to inherit the data from the week 1 record (ongoing), so we wouldn’t need to input the same data across 2-3 records for the same class?
For context, we run 4-5 classes per week.