Set table in line 1 and if you need any singleSelect field to skip, put it's name in line 2
I suppose there are 2 options only, without 'empty option', otherwise it will fail to change field options
const selects=base.getTable('Table1').fields.filter(x=>x.type==='singleSelect')
const toChange=selects.filter(x=>!['Exclude example','place fieldnames','to skip'].includes(x.name))
const swap=arr=>({choices:[arr[1],arr[0]]})
const setTF=async f=>await f.updateOptionsAsync(swap(f.options.choices))
let ask=await input.buttonsAsync('To Change: '+toChange.map(x=>x.name).join(),['Yes','No'])
if (ask=='Yes') for (let fld of toChange) await setTF(fld)