Mar 29, 2020 08:25 PM
Real simple question:
I need one single master view that shows me the latest task (record) from each group across all those tables. That view can be another table itself or a block.
Ideally, that view would show the highest-ranked task (record) within that group at that moment until marked complete, then it would be removed from my master view and replaced with the next highest incomplete task.
Mar 30, 2020 04:02 AM
Hi @DPeezy,
Welcome to Airtable Community ! :grinning_face_with_big_eyes:
That doesn’t seem like the best setup in my opinion. I think you will be better off if you have all those tasks in one table, with a Field (lets say it is a Single Select field) with options like Work, Home, School, etc. that you will use to Group By. You can then sort the fields as you wish.
Mar 30, 2020 03:38 PM
I’m looking for technical advisement as to Airtable’s capability to do precisely what I requested.
If it cannot do that, it’s fine. Just need to know.