As part of my workflow, I have a view in my base where I put in all my tasks for the day, which the populates my calendar. To make this work, I have "Date Start" and a "Date End" fields with the date and the start/end time of the record so that it'll be placed correctly on my calendar. This works great but has caused an issue with creating another view that I need, a daily summary.
I want to have a view that groups my records by date so that I can see how much I earned that day, how much I worked, and other stats. I can filter my records to show me this information for a single date without any issue. But I'd like to have a view that shows all my days work grouped together to be able to build a few extensions around the resulting data. The problem is that AT will group based on the entire field information, so including the time, and not just the date (see attached screenshot).
The only "workaround" I can think of is to have a third date field with just the date, but this feels redundant. Can anyone see a better solution? Or if that is the only solution, is there a way to get that field to autopopulate the date based on the date in the "date start" field?
Thank you!