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Hello everyone, I’m designing the content layout for my team and I want to group relevant data items under common names like what we can do with “Grouping” button in Excel.

For example, I have these data points:

  • Overview: Company Name, Country, Status, Sector, Sub-sector, Stage (I want to group these four data points under the “Overview”)

    I also want to collapse/expand the view (with the “+” button as shown in the image)

Thanks a lot for your help!

This is not possible in Airtable as of now. however, you can have separate views having your choice of columns. For example, in Overview View, you can show only those columns which comes under this part. I hope this helps. Thanks

Agree this can be resolved in some cases using custom views, but I can still imagine many workflows where distinct groups of columns would help users think more clearly about different kinds of information being presented, especially in a complex base. This functionality could also carry through to the expanded record view and forms, where it could be incredibly helpful to group related fields and let the user expand or collapse those groups to aid comprehension, data entry, etc.

i work in finance and i have the same issue with a high number of fields. It would be absolutely fantastic if we could group them or have subtabs under each tab. Or having the option to view records in a vertical format would allow to display a lot more information in a single view without having to scroll left and right all day long. 

For example, I have a column names Number of cases/UK Pallet and the entries below are 2-3 digit numbers, and I have over hundred columns like, more than half of the table is a wasted space and you are required to scroll infinitely to find what is required, it's a bit of nightmare. If you have the heading on the left side of the table and the records primary field being the top row, that would allow me to see many more details at once without losing the focus. I like AT but often I think of going back to Excel due to such limitations. Please think of finance and other number-intensive data. 
