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Hi all,

I'm creating an educational curriculum for our medical trainees, and unfortunately the university we are affiliated with doesn't have a robust LMS to be able to track completion of core competencies. I'm wondering if what I'm after can be achieved with Airtable, and if so, if you might be able to help me our guide me towards resources that allow me achieve what I'm looking for.

Essentially I have the following bases:

- students (fields: name, email, graduation year, etc.)

- Learning Case (fields: Learning Case, rotation it is associated with).

Every student has the same list of learning cases that they need to complete. I need to be able to track their progress (complete or incomplete), with the goal being that when they finish their training, they've "completed" these learning cases. So to conceptualize, each student has the same master list of learning cases, where they all start as "incomplete" by default, and by the time they finish everything should be eventually marked as "complete".

How can I set up a tracker that allows me to view the completion status of a learning case for each learner? I'm having trouble setting it up such that I can assign the same learning case to multiple learners, and individually track their progress (i.e. student 1 may have "complete" learning case #1, while student 2 is "incomplete" for the same learning case). 

Thank you so much in advance. My background is medicine, and we don't have funding to pay someone to do this, so I'm trying to learn as I go where I have time.

My suggestion would be to link each student to the learning case twice. Once as "Assigned" like you currently have set up, and the other as completed.

It would be nice if Airtable allowed us to do individual tracking within a link but that's currently not possible.

Thank you. However, if I'm understanding things properly, even if I do that, wont the the learning case still be marked "complete" as soon as one student completes it (rendering it complete for all of the rest?)

Not necessarily. We need to re-work how cases are being marked complete. In fact, you no longer mark a learning case as complete at all. Instead, you add a student who has completed the case on to the new link field. (or vice versa)

Student Table

  • {Assigned Course} (Link to Case Table)
  • {Completed Case} (Link to Case Table)

If you'd like to see which cases a student has completed, the list will be in the {Completed Case} field.

Case Table

  • {Assigned Students} (Link to Student Table)
  • {Completed Students} (Link to Student Table)

If you'd like to see which student has completed this case, the list will be in the {Completed Students} field.

If you want to pull stats and things from these records, it becomes slightly easier when thinking of attendance this way.
