I have a table - ‘Main table’ - where new initiatives are created and Jira tickets are generated through an automation when I click the button ‘Create Jira ticket’. The Jira issue key is then returned and populates the column ‘JIRA code’ as part of the automation.
I want to automatically pull in the statuses of those tickets from Jira when they change, so I can see the ticket Issue Key and the Jira Status in the ‘Main table’.
In order to do this, I have created an entirely separate second table ‘Jira tickets’ that pulls in tickets from JiraCloud (synced) - that have ‘Issue key’ as the primary key:
Now that I have a column in my ‘Main table’ with the Jira Issue Key, and a second synced table ‘Jira tickets’, how do I pull in the status from ‘Jira tickets’ based on the Issue key column in the Main Table?
I’ve tried all the different linked records I can, but no lunch so far.