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I have been tasked with developing a system for individuals to evaluate (with a rubric) a series of proposals related to a strategic plan coming in.

Individuals are submitting ideas using a Form that feeds into an AirTable Base (Base 1). We are doing this because we also want to visualize the ideas.

The idea is that once individuals submit their ideas, a group of people will be able to evaluate them using a scored rubric (Base 2). Initially, I figured I would create another Base and then Sync the Two Bases (One Way) While also adding a form that would input the scores into the New Base (Base 2). I would link them based on either the AirTable ID or the Title of the Proposal. I was then going to create a third base (Base 3) that scores and averages the results of the evaluation.

The challenge I am running into is that MULTIPLE people will complete the evaluation – up to 15. I am trying to think of a way to use AirTable for the scoring phase, but there need to be MULTIPLE people evaluating it using the same form.

Maybe create a system that creates a new row for each score and then manually average them? Or have them score in a different program and manually link things up?

Thoughts? Can this even be done?


Hi @sundevil282 ,

If I were doing this, I would put them all in a single base.  One table would be ideas, one would be the rubric and one would be the scores of the ideas.  When a new submission is created in the ideas table, create a scorecard for each member of the scoring team where the editor of the score card is the individual scorer.  Then through an interface, I would only show them the scorecards they have not marked scored yet.  (Once it is scored they can't go back and change it.)

We did something similar using this model.  We were able to track who had submitted all of their grades as well as the spread of scores on each submission.


Hi @sundevil282 ,

If I were doing this, I would put them all in a single base.  One table would be ideas, one would be the rubric and one would be the scores of the ideas.  When a new submission is created in the ideas table, create a scorecard for each member of the scoring team where the editor of the score card is the individual scorer.  Then through an interface, I would only show them the scorecards they have not marked scored yet.  (Once it is scored they can't go back and change it.)

We did something similar using this model.  We were able to track who had submitted all of their grades as well as the spread of scores on each submission.


@Dan_Montoya -

I had not considered using one Base and Multiple Sheets. Although, that makes a lot more sense. The thing I am concerned about is that lets say we have 20 ideas. Well, there are 15 individuals who need to evaluate each of those 20 ideas so that would be creating 300 individual score cards, unless there is a way to automate it?

Yes you will create an automation that says when a record is created in "ideas" find all "graders" and create a scorecard for each grader.

Yes you will create an automation that says when a record is created in "ideas" find all "graders" and create a scorecard for each grader.

Thanks! This is helpful - the one challenge I am realizing we will run into is we do not yet know who all the scorers will be while the ideas are coming in - and I cannot imagine there is a way to do this so that we can create and promote the score cards without the emails/names of the reviewers. It seems like what we need to do is to identify who the reviewers are and try to implement this method. 

 I would solve this by creating a copy of your automation that is triggered by a checkbox.  If someone is added as a grader after the submission, check the box.  The box loops through all the submissions and creates the scorecards for the scorers.
