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I’ve been using Airtable as an API with NodeJS and Netlify. I’m working on a project and don’t even know if this is possible with Airtable. Let’s say I have a guitar. It has a manufacture, model name, price, etc. I’m all fine with that, BUT…it also has a number of descriptions such as…

Smooth and fast playing feel enhanced with Fret Edge Treatment,

Recessed control knobs stay out of the way of your picking hand,

Signature pickups in HSH configuration offer everything from snappy cleans to screaming leads,

Push/pull volume control gives you access to coil tapped tones too,

Is there a way to have all of these descriptions in one table? I would call them up in the API and then map through them. Contentful has something for this called ‘extras’ that allows one to enter the data as a JSON entry.

I don’t know, maybe this can’t be done in Airtable.

Thanks in advance.

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