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I have a fairly niche-type issue that I've not been able to figure out; for context, I've created a check in base optimized for a team of supervisors to check in/out staff using the Airtable mobile app. 

I have 2 tables linked together, where one represents 1 record for every shift (named "All Shifts"), which is linked to a table (named "BA Data") that houses the staff info of whoever is scheduled for a shift. I would like for my Supervisors to be able to open the linked record (aka "BA Data") while looking at the "All Shifts" table and be able to modify a "Current Location" field and a "Lead Notes" field (both are housed in the "BA Data" table). 

The navigation to do so seems to work just fine, but when a user opens the linked record from the mobile app, it appears that the Sort is defaulted to newest to oldest fields, in the order they've been modified; I know this because when I converted the oldest field to "Current Location" in order to bump it up to the top, the oldest field then went straight to the bottom! 

When I changed the field order on the desktop and opened the linked record from "All Shifts", the desired fields show on top just fine, but I can't get it to work on mobile. 

I somehow was able to get Current Location to the Top, but for the life of me I can't get it to work with Lead Notes. So with that context, does anyone know how to manipulate the Sort of a linked record view within the mobile app?

Quick edit: Looks like my work-around of manipulating the oldest fields and converting them into my desired fields was successful to place them at the top from the mobile view; it seems like there was a time delay for the system to register them to go to the top (15-20min give or take). 

Regardless, I would still love if someone knew how to manipulate the field order for future reference!

Hmm, this one's pretty weird.  Just so I'm on the same page:
1. We have two tables, Table A, and Table B, and they're linked
2. In Table B, we have Field 1, Field 2, Field 3

And what we want to happen is:
1. On mobile, the user opens Table A
2. They click a record in Table A, and see that there are multiple linked records to Table B
3. When the user clicks one of the linked records to Table B, we want the display to show the fields in a specific order, perhaps it would be:
  - Field 3
  - Field 2
  - Field 1

Is that right?

If so, I think that it always takes the field order from the first view in Table B, with the exception of the primary field which we can't move

Hmm, this one's pretty weird.  Just so I'm on the same page:
1. We have two tables, Table A, and Table B, and they're linked
2. In Table B, we have Field 1, Field 2, Field 3

And what we want to happen is:
1. On mobile, the user opens Table A
2. They click a record in Table A, and see that there are multiple linked records to Table B
3. When the user clicks one of the linked records to Table B, we want the display to show the fields in a specific order, perhaps it would be:
  - Field 3
  - Field 2
  - Field 1

Is that right?

If so, I think that it always takes the field order from the first view in Table B, with the exception of the primary field which we can't move

You're understanding it correctly, yes. I also had assumed that it would take the field order from the first view created, but that was not the case; even after I changed the field order for all the views in Table B, I still was unable to change the field order as desired. 

The only solution that worked was to convert the 1st 2 fields created in Table B into the fields I wanted at the top, which was difficult because I had a lot of fields and interfaces dependent on those 1st 2 fields. 

You're understanding it correctly, yes. I also had assumed that it would take the field order from the first view created, but that was not the case; even after I changed the field order for all the views in Table B, I still was unable to change the field order as desired. 

The only solution that worked was to convert the 1st 2 fields created in Table B into the fields I wanted at the top, which was difficult because I had a lot of fields and interfaces dependent on those 1st 2 fields. 

Hmm, roger that.  I think you may want to open a support ticket about this.  On my iPhone, manipulating the field order of the first view of Table B has a near immediate effect on the field order of the linked records to Table B when viewing it from an open record in Table A

Totally hadn't thought of that, I might need to fix it for iOS because I'm using Android... thanks or the help and I'll submit a ticket!
