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I have a primary field which is an autonumber and I want to change it to a formula (pad the number with zeros, concatenate with another field etc.). My plan is to keep the autonumber, create a formula field, and then change the primary field to be the formula field.

Is there any risk with that? can such action break any dependencies? scripts?

Hi @sgrass,

The answer is yes, there is a risk. It really depends on what is dependent on the primary field. It really is a question of how much external information could be changed. Is there data synced to other tables? Are there automations that will get affected?

I can recommend that you determine all points of data that could be affected and before doing the change to a Formua field. You can always duplicate the table and make the changes you want and then resync or change automations to the new table 🤔 🤔

Good luck!
