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I run a grant application processing Airtable base that needs to seamlessly take titles of records, notably the name of the organization, and link it to other facets of my database. However, when some records to linked to other tables, it contains quotation marks around the linked record. 

My system does not change the record name by any means such that it is crucial that the names stay the same since my automations require to search records in other tables to grab information. 

Help would be appreciated! Here is a picture of what is happening to a linked record. I suspect that the ",Inc." might freak out Airtable to quote the text.


Hello @clubianski,

Is the field whose value is enclosed in quotes a Formula field?
If you want to display the primary field of the linked table, use the Lookup field.

Hello @clubianski,

Is the field whose value is enclosed in quotes a Formula field?
If you want to display the primary field of the linked table, use the Lookup field.

Hi Sho!

This works! Fortunately, the name is not the primary field of the table which primary fields do not allow Lookup fields. Thank you for your help!
