Jun 10, 2020 10:09 AM
We have a difficult time updating records that become “lost” within the database if a change is needed during the workflow process. I’m going to do my best to explain the situation in hopes someone can take my blinders off and help see another way around this.
Current set-up:
Example of the Problem: If the project is ready to submit the proposal this is the view - (provides only the info needed for the proposal)
Current view project is in to Prepare the Proposal
Admin opens up the record to add notes
Our temporary fix is to have the PM change the workflow status to “Pending more Details”. Changing the status moves the record from the Prepare Proposal view to the “Pending more Details” view, to allow the PM to update the record, as this view opens up more fields. **and here is where it gets tricky that I’m hoping someone can help.
Filters for this view:
The record doesn’t show up, due to the view filters.
The status was updated to the correct stage, based on the current view
After investigation, sometimes very time consuming one, the “issue” is figured out.
The PM would need to change to status AND uncheck this box. This is the reason the admin is only allowed to edit records from the open records. (Once the PM, and others figured out they can add information here, a lot of workflow steps were skipped and done out of order. Causing a mess with the record and workflow process.)
Unchecking this box allows the record to show up in Pending more details for the PM to update the record, while still limiting other views/fields.
We’ve tried using Forms but even with the conditional logic option now we still have the issue on the back end of the prior checkboxes being checked.
I hope I described our issue enough and provided pics for understanding purposes someone is able to look outside the box and help me with a different solution. Oh, and I’ve thought about using a script, butI am still learning those, with no luck yet.
Jun 10, 2020 10:36 AM
Hi @Holli_Younger,
Hope all is good on your side :slightly_smiling_face:
I would recommend you use MiniExtensions, using their Update Record from Form option create a form where the PM/Estimator can only change the Project status and nothing else. This generates a Link to a Form that you can set to include 1 field only (in this case, the Project Status) and therefore they can edit it as they need.
Jun 10, 2020 12:57 PM
Thank you for the advice @Mohamed_Swellam however, that goes back to one of our issues of waiting on information. A lot of details are used for our workflow and some filters are narrowed down. If I create another table where those records requiring an update go after the form, we go back to waiting on the admin to update these details.
Jun 10, 2020 08:08 PM
I dont follow. What you will do is give them access to change the status back to a previous step ao they can enter the data they need then they can change it back to whatever they want. You want them to be able to edit the records without them editing the records? How is that possible?
Jun 11, 2020 06:54 AM
You can see when the status is changed from Prepare Proposal to Pending more Details the record doesn’t just “show up” in the Pending more Details view, because there are previous requirements from before used to move the record to the next tasks. This is where the records get “lost” within the system. Like the example above, the Update Record checkbox is marked, in order to add the record to the correct view, we need to uncheck the updated record checkbox as well. This is the same for several tasks within the workflow.
I’m not looking for a way to edit the records without editing them, but another option to easily switch the records as they carry through the workflow when we have to go back and change a record mid-workflow.