Hello Airtablers. Hoping someone out there might be able to provide a solution to a challenge I am having manipulating data between tables. I’ve created a graphic that shows what I am trying to achieve.
Basically, in words what I am trying to achieve is the following:
(1) Using a reference table that is setup where each record is a product with five fields and each of the five fields is a different single text field that is a tag for the product, bring into a separate table where each record is a product a single multi-select field that has all the tags from the five fields in the reference table.
(2) Create a third table, called “Tags”, where the records represent all the unique values across all five tag fields in the Reference table and where one field is a single multi-select field with all the products that have that tag.
For the second issue, from some earlier help form a fellow Airtabler, I discovered that I could link the five tag columns to a tags table and this would get the unique list of tags I am looking for but when I link the five tag columns this way the products are listed in separate fields in the Tags table when I need them to be in one field as a multi-select field.
Thanks in advance for any help. It is definitely greatly appreciated.