Maybe this is impossible, but I’m just checking to see.
I’m trying to put together a database of software I have, Most of it is audio production software and I have vast amount of plugins.
So I essential have data that I need to organize is like this:
developer | plugin name | software key kor] license file ior] iLok registration code
what I want is to have a multiple selection for what software I own by each developer.
Column 1 (developer): iZotope
Column 2 (plugins owned) multiple selection:
- Ozone 9 advanced, Neutron 3 advanced, Vocal Synth, RX 8 Standard
- These options will not exist in row 2 because row 2 will be a different developer who does not make these plugins.
- I do not want to have a new section for each developer because it would make no sense. Some companies only make 1 plugin.
Column 3 is:
- invisible
- dynamically created after I selected Ozone 9 advanced and RX 8 Standard.
- asks what type of licensing (serial, license file, login, iLok activation code) for each.
- generates a field that corresponds to this selection (column 4 & 5)
- it rarely is the case but lets say the license type was different for these 2 products. I select “license file” for ozone and serial for RX 8. Here’s what happens next:
Column 4 is generated
- upload license file for Ozone 9 Advanced
Column 5 is generated
- enter serial# for RX 8 Standard
The rest of the columns would just be some nice fluff like a thumbnail image of the developer logo or something. Maybe invoice numbers for each plugin.