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I have a contest that has 3 rounds that are dependent on each other to start and stop. Each Customer's contest could have different durations for each of the round. They usually define a start date and a duration.

For each contest record I define: 

Name of contest

  • Nominations
    • Start
    • Duration 
    • End
  • Round 1
    • Start
    • Duration
    • End
  • Round 2
    • Start
    • Duration
    • End

I would like to use date dependencies to link the three rounds, so if I change the start date or duration of any round, the next rounds dates will shift. I have tried to configure the date dependencies but it looks like I can only set one configuration per record.  Is there any way around this that I am missing?


Thanks in advance

Hmm could you provide an example of a date change you're making that isn't working as expected? 

Modifying the duration / start / end usually modify the other records.  An exception would be that the next record's start doesn't move backwards if you make the previous record end earlier
