Hi there, we’re looking for an alternative solution to Jotform. We are wildlife rangers working in African National Parks. We use a Jotform to complete our ‘Daily Station Report’ which includes daily roll call and station statistics. We use ruggedised iPads, we open the form online, go offline to do roll call, and then go online to sync the form (I believe airtable can do same).
Our challenge is the insanely convoluted and over complex back end. It takes an entire (frustrating) day every time we want to add a name to the roll call, because of the calculations which add up how many staff present, away, sick etc.
We have 64 staff at this park in Zimbabwe, and the Staff Sgt has to read them out and tick the right box (present, away etc). So he can’t write in the name each day, or he’ll standing in front of the rangers for hours!
We need a SIMPLE front end (see iCloud link to screenshot of current Jotform) to this, and the ability to EASILY make changes when need be. Also, the Jotform emails a nice PDF of the results AUTOMATICALLY to the officers and remote HQ.
Screenshot of our current Jotform: https://share.icloud.com/photos/0b1SJTqmTpiphT5ac16VbLSkw
Is it possible for us to replace Jotform with Airtable?
Thanks in advance for your advice,