Hi there amazing community! I am working on a full setup for indy film to be able to do most tasks in AirTable. I have several documents that are required and not sure how to accomplish them.
In this case it is a sheet called the "1 Liner" that details out the basic schedule for upcoming filming days. It can encompass multiple days. Currently I have a table/view that contains specifics:
Not a problem so far, I can easily print this directly or create a Designer for it. My problem is that it needs to eventually look similar to this with the added brown and black lines with details (note the colors are not what is important, the specific details are):
Each of these lines is specific to that "spot" and unique to the situation. I can set up another table with fields that are, say, specific to a date and time but I don't know how to make that all work together for print purposes. Will I need ANOTHER table that somehow merges everything? Or...? I've been mulling this over for quite some time and can't see a simple solution.
I hope this actually makes sense!