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Hi there 🙂

I have a table that lists “People” in different categories (by role) and includes contact information for all of those people.

For Department heads, I would like the email address of their Executive Assistant to populate in a field in their record.

So I would like Bam Bam Rubble’s email address to show up in the box circled in green:

I have a second field of “Organizations” that these link to that looks like this:

Is it possible to do what I want and have Exec Assist emails appear in the records of their department heads?

Thanks so much!

Hi @Le_Sans_Blague,

Yes, this should be possible. If I understand correctly, you have a table that lists “People” where you enter the Exec Assistant’s email address. Then, you have a second table for “Organizations” where you link the person to the org. To get the email address back to People in a different spot, first create a Lookup field for that email address in Organizations to get the Exec Assistant’s email in the Org table. Then, change the field you have circled in green to a Lookup, looking at the Lookup field in Orgs. The flow should look something like this.

Let me know if you have any questions.



Hi @Le_Sans_Blague,

Yes, this should be possible. If I understand correctly, you have a table that lists “People” where you enter the Exec Assistant’s email address. Then, you have a second table for “Organizations” where you link the person to the org. To get the email address back to People in a different spot, first create a Lookup field for that email address in Organizations to get the Exec Assistant’s email in the Org table. Then, change the field you have circled in green to a Lookup, looking at the Lookup field in Orgs. The flow should look something like this.

Let me know if you have any questions.



Hi! Thanks for replying. I’m not sure I understand. I actually want Bam Bam Rubble’s email address to show on Fred Flintstone’s line because Bam Bam is Fred’s assistant. Bam Bam and Fred work for the same organization and both Bam Bam and Fred’s people records link back to the Organizations table. You may be explaining it above, but your picture just shows having Bam Bam’s email on Bam Bam’s record. Is there a way to get Bam Bam’s email to show up on Fred’s record (in a different field) because they share the same organization?

Hi! Thanks for replying. I’m not sure I understand. I actually want Bam Bam Rubble’s email address to show on Fred Flintstone’s line because Bam Bam is Fred’s assistant. Bam Bam and Fred work for the same organization and both Bam Bam and Fred’s people records link back to the Organizations table. You may be explaining it above, but your picture just shows having Bam Bam’s email on Bam Bam’s record. Is there a way to get Bam Bam’s email to show up on Fred’s record (in a different field) because they share the same organization?

Hi @Le_Sans_Blague,

Thanks for catching that. I’ve updated the image to show the flow path correctly. The first table is the Person’s table, where you will enter the person, and their email. Then, in the Orgs table, you can link the person to their respective position within the Org. Using this link (specifically the one for the exec asst. and the logic could work for any linked field), you will set up a lookup field for their email. Then, back in the Persons table, you will look up the exec asst. email from Org, which was from Persons to begin with. Hopefully this clarifies it.


Thanks so much! That is what I want to do, but I can’t figure out how to do it. I can link the Executive Assistant’s name, but the Exec Assistant’s email address isn’t one of the options for a lookup field no matter what I do. I’m probably missing something silly, but I can’t figure it out. Any thoughts? Thanks again!
