I have a base used to track conservation information about media in different formats. Each format has its own table. The tables are: Film, Video, and Computer Media.
Across the tables, each record is an individual item. The fields for each table differ, as the conservation data in those fields is different depending on the media. (For example, Computer Media like a floppy disk does not have a film gauge of 35mm, 16mm, etc.)
I want to create a fourth table that pulls in select records from all three tables. I want to pull in only records that have "reformatting candidate" checkbox field selected.
I know this could possibly work by having all the records in a single table, but the amount of fields would grow quite large and would require multiple different views with various fields left empty and hidden. It is also more user friendly for us to have each table be delineated by media type.
So, is there a way to pull select records from multiple tables into another table? Thank you!