I’m currently trying to create a database of insurance companies and the benefits they offer. Each benefit can be offered by several vendors, but I want to be able to have the linked “Benefits” record for a specific vendor expand to show the details specific to that Vendor. Initially, I had a column called Benefits that was a multi-select, and I selected the relevant benefits for each insurance company. When I realized I can create columns that reference other columns, I converted my multi-select column to a linked record column, and had it reference a list of benefits that I created in another table. However what I didn’t account for is that while the Benefits buttons are now clickable for each insurance company, they will all reference the same singular record.
Ex: Insurance Company A, B and C all have deductibles, so each will have the “Deductibles” option under the Benefits column in their row. However Company A has a $500 deductible, Company B has a $1000 deductible and Company C has a $1500 deductible. I want a user to be able to click on one of the buttons and see the benefit detail for that specific company.
Is there a way to design a base that will allow this? I essentially need to allow for different linked records for each vendor, but I can only figure out how to set up record linking instructions at the column level. I tried creating a table for each company where the name of the benefit is listed in one column with a description of the benefit listed in the second column, but I still don’t know how to “point to” each of these separate tables when linking records.
Thanks for any help that can be provided - I feel like I’m circling the answer and just can’t figure it out!