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Wondering if there is a better/easier way to do this?

I have a table full of project data. These are connected to various high level collections. I am using rollups and lookups for a lot of this data to the Collections table. Many of these are rollups using the Unique array. However for some Lookups and Rollups that show all the data, I would really like to have identifier so it rolls up a list of the primary field + the data. For example recordA: $99.00, record B: $85.00

Right now to achieve this I need to duplicate many/mnost of my fields to creat a concatenation of primary field and the data I want, but I feel like this makes the base grow really large and would be cleaner/easier for everything if it can just do this in the rollup/lookup field directly?

Hey @matt_stewart1!

My recommendation is that in the table that you’re trying to summarize, you create a single formula field that acts as a summary per se.

I was helping another person on the forums a while ago and created a base as an example for them to reference.

In that base, I implemented what I just described.

Here’s what that looks like…

You can see that the Gear Tag field contains information from the different fields on the record.

Then would allow me to get all the information from that formula into a lookup/rollup without having to create a ton of data bloat by creating a 1:1 lookup field for each value I want to reference in the other table.

I have a user bug report ticket in front of me right now and am using the Airtable forums as a distraction, thus my brain is kinda scattered right now.

It’s totally possible that I read your post too fast, so if there’s something I’m missing or if you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reply!
