I have seen the same question asked elsewhere (link below) but it didn't really deal with another implication of combining a table and separating items by a type record.
My question is, what is the best practice for setting up a contacts table in Airtable where those contacts could be clients or suppliers etc. If I was designing this in a traditional database my practice would be to make 1 contacts table and distinguish these by a field that indicates what type they are. The advantage is I dont need to maintain all of the different fields needed for a contact across multiple tables.
The issue with doing this in airtable seems to be that I cannot easily create forms to add a contact or add a supplier (where the default values are hidden from the user) and as a result I cannot seem to trigger any automations from these actions.
I dont want to spend time working on work arounds to achieve what I would like to do.
So what do most developers do? Is there a best practice? Do you maintain separate contact tables for suppliers, customers etc.?