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I am trying to create a timeline table to assist with tracking heavy volume days.

The first option once I choose to create a timeline- it gives me a drop down with several options.

"Using date range from (Due Date) to (Date Entered) **both ( ) fields are drop downs.

When I select those 2 options- i get the follow error message

" The above fields cannot be displayed because DUEDATE and Entered have configurations that are not compatible. "

What I am trying to do is create a “Puck” like timeframe where I can view all of our open work orders-

each one identified by a puck (bar) that runs from date entered to due date.

Any ideas as to how I can get the dates to communicate correctly?

I included a screenshot of the error message I am receiving.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @Office_Personnel

I think that your two date fields are in different time zones. Open the config for both of them and check the Formatting tab.
