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I am trying to set up a basic template for managing about 20 small construction projects. I have a table with records for each project and a separate table for all the various tasks that could apply to each project. I can't figure out how to link the various tasks to MULTIPLE projects while also tracking the status of the task within each separate project. Below is a simple example (in reality I have a list of ~50 tasks) of the way I'd like to be able to track tasks in EACH project. 

Project A tasks:

-solicit bids (complete)

-draft contract (in process)

-hire sub (on hold)

Project B tasks: 

-solicit bids (in process)

-draft contract (on hold)

-hire sub (on hold)

Thanks in advance!

Hi there! It seems like you are conflating Tasks and 'Task Types'. You should have 50 separate Tasks (records) for each project, and create a 'Task Type' field (hire sub, draft contract etc) and a 'Status' field (in process, on hold). The field that links each task with a project should be restricted to one project, not multiple. You should probably also build an automation that adds the 50 tasks each time a project is created. If you need more help, feel free to schedule a session!
