Using a Form Entry Repeat a Record with a Date Change
Records are being added by various people using a form.
I am currently asking them to maually repeat their entry for up to 13 times with only the date changing.
I am trying to work out how Airtable can recognise a new record with a value in NO of Weeks and automatically add a record for a specific number of times with the date changing for the same number of times
My columns field headings are “DATE” “NO OF WEEKS” “COUNT DOWN” “CLASS” “NAME”
As another record is added the DATE needs to add seven days and will stop repeating when it has been repeated to the value of “NO OF WEEKS”
Is it possible for the table to recognise a value in NO OF WEEKS and run an automation or duplication with only a DATE change?
Can somebody tell me if this is even possible but ideally, tell me how.