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Hi All,

I'm trying to set up a resource tracker using the summarise function within the timeline view.

In short, I want to be able take the days associated with a task and spread these across the length of the task. So if a task takes 20 hours and the task length is a week, then the summarise function would say 4 hours for each day and would group accordingly dependent on the scale we were looking at. I'll be grouping by individual, so want to be able to get this value summed across multiple tasks. 

This must be what the system is doing under the utilisation function, as it'll this to compare the available days to create the percentage, but I don't seem to be able to get it to work. When I go to summarise, and go to sum, it just shows me the total number of hours and doesn't spread the amount across the days. Crucially I don't want the percentage of available time used, I just want the number of hours themselves. 

Thanks in advance!

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