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Does anyone else here use softr and is noticing severe lagging and slowdown in the app after oauths were implemented? When we confronted Airtable, they told us that:

to summarise, there are actually 2 limits on the api call

  1. 5 calls per second per base
  2. 5 calls per second per user/integration pair

and it is the second one that softr is having issue handling. 

Any suggestions on:

1. what alternatives to softr are out there that have existing integration with airtable

2. screw airtable altogether due to these new limits -> find an alternative

My Airtable consulting clients have been using Noloco as their portal, and we haven’t experienced these problems. I gave a brief tutorial of Noloco on this episode of the BuiltOnAir podcast. And I also presented a full one-hour webinar on Noloco called Building a Client Portal on Noloco powered by Airtable.
