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TL;DR: Do I just need to replace my Airtable API key with the new personal access token or is there anything else?

I read about the Airtable API key depreciation notice that says API keys will no longer work from Feb 1, 2024.

I am using the official NPM library airtable.js in my Next.js project. This is how I am configuring Airtable in my codebase:


const base = new Airtable({ apiKey: process.env.REACT_APP_AIRTABLE_API }).base(




To adhere to the new changes, I have created a personal access token from `/create/tokens` as mentioned in the development guide. Then, I changed the value of `REACT_APP_AIRTABLE_API`in my `.env` with the token generated from `/create/tokens`.

What else do I need to do? Everything seems to work fine but I just want to double check if I am missing anything. 





Hey @bottlerekted , I just tested Airtable.js v0.12.2 with the new personal access token and it works fine. You shouldn't have to change anything besides replacing the key with a new token, unless you're on an older version of the library that isn't compatible. 

