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I can’t undestand this error. Here is my code using JQuery and Ajax:


x = 1;



url: "",

type: 'PATCH',

dataType: "json",

data: {

"fields" : {







When I replace FIELD with the proper field name, and the data type of that field is a string, and replace VALUE with a string (e.g., “hola”), I can update the field through the API. But when replace FIELD with the proper name of an integer field, and replace VALUE whit a number (e.g., 1234), I get this error:

PATCH 422 (Unprocessable Entity)

I tried a lot of things but nothing works.

Anyone can help me?


Nadie apareció, pero logré resolverlo solo. Me faltaba poner el parámetro

contentType : "application/json",

Y en caso de que el valor se pase a través de un textfield, hay que encerrar la variable en un parseINT(), así:

