Hi! I’m sorry if this has been asked before and I didn’t search it properly. I’m trying to modify the “delete duplicates” script. I’m working on a sign in/sign out attendance table. I have 2 form views, one that allows the student to sign in by selecting their name, a linked field, and then entering the date/time they’re checking in, and a very similar one that they add the time they signed out. This results in 2 records, one with the time in and one with the time out. The time out cell is empty when the time in cell is full and vice versa.
What I want it to do is to delete the second entry, but before it does that, combine the two records, so that both the time in field and the time out field are filled. My thought of how to do that is when X comparison field is full, Y comparison field from the record where X comparison field is empty is copied to Y comparison field on X=full record. I’m not certain of the commands to make this happen or if it’s even possible. I’d be grateful for any help, and happy to try to clarify! Thank you!