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I am building a platform using Airtable and Softr that allows teachers to auto-generate assessments, allow students to submit assessments, and auto-grade these assessments based on a specified marking guide and rubric. 

I have built the auto-generation of assessments part, which works as follows:

-User submits assessment requirements through form (currently Tally)

-Answers populate in fields in an ‘assessments’ table in Airtable 

-I then run a script to call OpenAI API and generate questions 

-These individual questions then populate in a ‘questions’ table


My current challenge

In order to develop the submitting assessments part, I need to auto-create a form for each assessment. This form needs to populate with the questions (which exist as records in the questions table) - so essentially I need to auto-create a form with dynamic inputs based on the question text. 

Would this be possible even if a third party form builder was used. 

Any bidders on the project welcome 🙂 

The only way that I could see you doing this would be to use JotForm, which offers a very robust API for creating forms & form questions programmatically. (There might be other form tools out there that offer this same functionality, but I have not researched them.)

If you know scripting, you could automate this via scripting. 

if you don’t know scripting, the absolute easiest way to automate this would be to use Make’s JotForm modules, which have already been setup for this exact thing. 

If you have a budget for your project and you’d like to hire an expert Airtable/Make consultant to help you with this, please feel free to contact me through my website: Airtable consulting — ScottWorld
